
Items are brought into scope by import or declaration.


The module scope contains items explicitly imported from another scope or explicitly declared in the current module scope. Items may be accessed directly by their identifier with no other annotations.

Files are implicitly modules.

mod moduleA {
    // `TypeA` declared.
    type TypeA = u8;
    // `TypeA` may be accessed as follows:
    const CONST_A: TypeA = 0u8;

mod moduleB {
    // import `TypeA` into the local module scope
    use super::moduleA::TypeA;
    // `TypeA` may now be accessed as follows:
    const CONST_A: TypeA = 0u8;

mod moduleC {
    // publicly import `TypeA` into the local module scope. "pub" enables exporting.
    pub use super::moduleA::TypeA;

mod moduleD {
    // publicly import `moduleA` into the local module scope. "pub" enables exporting.
    pub use super::moduleA;

mod moduleF {
    // `TypeA` may be accessed in one of the following ways.
    const CONST_A: super::moduleA::TypeA = 0u8;
    const CONST_B: super::moduleC::TypeA = 0u8;
    const CONST_C: super::moduleD::moduleA::TypeA = 0u8;


The implementation block scope contains items explicitly imported from another scope or explicitly declared in the current implementation block scope. Items may be accessed either directly or under the Self namespace.

type MyStruct<T> = { inner: T };
type MyError = Overflow | Underflow;

trait TryPlusOne: Add {
    type Error;

    fn tryPlusOne(self: Self) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;

impl MyStruct<T> {
    fn new(inner: T) -> Self {
        return Self { inner: T };

impl MyStruct<T>: Add {
    fn add(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
        return Self { inner: lhs.inner + rhs.inner };

impl MyStruct<T: Add>: TryPlusOne {
    type Error = MyError;

    fn tryPlusOne(self: Self) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        if self.inner > max<T>() - 1 {
            return Result::Err(Error::Overflow);
        return Add::add(self, Self { inner: 1 });


The function scope implicitly import items from parent scopes up to the parent module. Items may be explicitly declared or imported from external modules.

mod moduleA {
    const CONST_A = 0u8;
    const CONST_B = 1u8;
    const CONST_C = 2u8;

use moduleA::CONST_A;

const CONST_D = 3u8;

fn func() -> u8 {
    use moduleA::CONST_B;

    fn innerFunc() -> u8 {
        return CONST_A + CONST_B + moduleA::CONST_C + CONST_D;

    return innerFunc();


Code blocks, branch blocks, loop blocks, and match blocks implicitly import items from the parent scopes up until the parent module. Items may be imported from external module explicitly and items may be defined in each.